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University Outreach

Mar-Bal understands the importance of supporting the growth of future generations while simultaneously recognizing all they have to offer. Therefore, we partner with multiple universities by way of sponsorships and internships to foster this growth. These partnerships provide firsthand experience to students that will soon be joining the American workforce.

Throughout our university outreach program, Mar-Bal has welcomed IT, accounting, engineering, marketing, management and public relations interns from institutions that include Virginia Tech, Ohio State and West Virginia University. Depending on the nature of their studies, each reports to our Corporate Office, Global Marketing Office or manufacturing facilities for the duration of their internship.

Additional collaboration has included sponsorship of teams taking part in the EcoCar 3 automotive engineering competition and undergraduates from Old Dominion University paying a visit to our Virginia plant as part of their senior project.

"Visiting [Mar-BaI] was an excellent experience for our team. Being able to see how compression molding is performed really connected the dots for us about what goes into manufacturing composites. This helped us have a much broader understanding of compression molding than we could have had otherwise. Also, we're very thankful to [Mar-BaI] for providing the composite materials for us to test”. - Richard A. Larson, ODU Senior 

Another rewarding aspect of this program is talent acquisition. Each intern we’ve worked alongside has exhibited the knowledge, skills, attitude and work ethic needed to succeed as a professional in their discipline. We are overjoyed that on more than one occasion we have been afforded the opportunity to offer an intern a full-time position at some point after graduation. Whether it’s as our colleague at Mar-Bal or another endeavor, we take great satisfaction in each of our intern’s prosperity and look forward to the bright minds we will encounter in the future.

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Topics: Thermoset Composites, Engineering, Engineers, Materials Engineer, Manufacturing, Composites, Engineer, Product Engineer, University Outreach, Internship, Intern, Higher Education